Restrictions apply to this RF Equipment for use in Australia:
Only to be operated on 433Mhz / 915-930Mhz / 2.4Ghz (check the product description for compatible frequency ranges).
If operating outside of shared frequencies or in such a way that is beyond low interference potential devices are intended to function, then you have obtained the appropriate authorisation to do so.
For use in other locations around the world:
Follow region-specific frequency spectrum rules.
A declaration of use will need to be submitted during checkout.
We strongly advise against using this module with a Pico W (at least without separation), as the WiFi interferes with LoRa reception. See the product description for more info.
The Pico-LoRa-SX1262-XXXM is LoRa node expansion module designed for Raspberry Pi Pico based on SX1262 with better performance than the SX127X series. The LoRa modulation technology solves the balancing problem between transmission distance, interference immunity, and power consumption that traditional solutions aren't able to deal with.
It supports LoRaWAN protocol, which allows it to connect the TTN, ChirpStack servers through a LoRa gateway to use LoRa Cloud service fast and easily.
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