In the digital age, everything is on a screen, so it can be incredibly refreshing to work through some projects and learn new skills from a printed copy.

Raspberry Pi

Unlock the full potential of your Raspberry Pi with our comprehensive collection of books, guides, and tutorials, perfect for beginners and advanced users alike.

  1. Programming the Raspberry Pi: Getting Started with Python - Third Edition
    100% of 100
    SKU: ADA1089 Brand: Adafruit
    Program your own Raspberry Pi projects! An updated guide to programming your own Raspberry Pi projects. Learn to create inventive programs and fun games on your...
    - +

    1 from local stock, 1 supplier stock; your order will dispatch between Dec 1 to Dec 10. And yes, stock levels and lead times are accurate!

    Delivered by Mar 5th


Dive into the world of Arduino with our comprehensive collection of books, guides, and tutorials, perfect for beginners and seasoned developers alike.

  1. Get Started With Arduino
    SKU: CE07570 Brand: Raspberry Pi
    Whether you want to build robots, smart devices, or any other electronically controlled projects, this is the book you need. This book takes you through how to program and connect an Arduino microcontroller board, then explore some great projects to make with it.
    - +

    0 from local stock, 1 supplier stock; your order will dispatch between Dec 1 to Dec 10. And yes, stock levels and lead times are accurate!

    Available with 10 to 15 day lead time

Software Books

Dive into the world of software with our comprehensive collection of books on programming, development, and computer science. Perfect for beginners and seasoned developers alike.

  1. An Introduction to C and GUI Programming
    SKU: CE07569 Brand: Raspberry Pi
    Even if you are an absolute beginner, this book will teach you all you need to know to write simple programs in C and start creating GUIs.
    - +

    2 from local stock, 1 supplier stock; your order will dispatch between Dec 1 to Dec 10. And yes, stock levels and lead times are accurate!

    Delivered by Mar 5th


Discover a wide range of books to fuel your passion for electronics, DIY projects, programming, and more. Perfect for makers, educators, and tech enthusiasts.

  1. Sphero Computer Science Foundations - Course 1
    SKU: CE06922 Brand: Sphero
    Computer Science Foundations (CSF) by Sphero is a dynamic, standards-aligned curriculum designed to be taught in the classroom alongside Sphero robots. Learn computer science and STEAM principles over three courses, with each customised lesson allowing teachers and students to learn and grow together. If you’ve been looking to integrate CS content into your STEAM classroom, look no further
    $379.95 AUD, inc GST
    - +

    0 from local stock, 1 supplier stock; your order will dispatch between Dec 1 to Dec 10. And yes, stock levels and lead times are accurate!

    Available with 4 to 6 day lead time
  2. Raspberry Pi Notebook Black & Red
    100% of 100
    SKU: CE09279 Brand: Raspberry Pi
    Capture your best ideas in this exquisite Raspberry Pi Notebook! With 100 pages of 80 GSM paper, it's perfect for jotting down project ideas, code, or mechanical drawings for 3D printing.
    - +

    23 from local stock, 1 supplier stock; your order will dispatch between Dec 1 to Dec 10. And yes, stock levels and lead times are accurate!

    Delivered by Mar 5th

We have free online tutorials, courses and project write-ups available. Get in touch w


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