Search results for: 'Triple-axis Accelerometer+Magnetometer (Compass) Board - LSM303'

PiicoDev Magnetometer QMC6310 - Guide for MicroBit

Let's get started with the PiicoDev® Magnetometer. In this guide, we'll connect the Magnetometer to our micro:bit, get it working as a compass, and read the magnetic field strength of a nearby magnet. To follow along, it's best to...

Let's get started with the PiicoDev® Magnetometer. In this guide, we'll connect the Magnetometer to our micro:bit, get it working as a compass, and read the magnetic field strength of a nearby magnet. To follow along, it's best to...

PiicoDev Magnetometer QMC6310 - Guide for Raspberry Pi

Let's get started with the PiicoDev® Magnetometer. In this guide we'll connect the Magnetometer to our Raspberry Pi, get it working as a compass, and read the magnetic field strength of a nearby magnet. Finally, we'll remix the code to ...

Let's get started with the PiicoDev® Magnetometer. In this guide we'll connect the Magnetometer to our Raspberry Pi, get it working as a compass, and read the magnetic field strength of a nearby magnet. Finally, we'll remix the code to ...

PiicoDev Magnetometer QMC6310 - Guide for Raspberry Pi Pico

Let's get started with the PiicoDev® Magnetometer. In this guide, we'll connect the Magnetometer to our Raspberry Pi Pico, get it working as a compass, and read the magnetic field strength of a nearby magnet. Finally, we'll remix the c...

Let's get started with the PiicoDev® Magnetometer. In this guide, we'll connect the Magnetometer to our Raspberry Pi Pico, get it working as a compass, and read the magnetic field strength of a nearby magnet. Finally, we'll remix the c...

Getting Started With Inertial Measurement Units | Exploring Degrees Of Freedom

In this guide, we'll be learning about sensors that measure inertial movement, how they work, how to choose the right sensor type, and how to get the most out of their readings. Hardware mentioned in this guide: PiicoDev Accelerometer ...

In this guide, we'll be learning about sensors that measure inertial movement, how they work, how to choose the right sensor type, and how to get the most out of their readings. Hardware mentioned in this guide: PiicoDev Accelerometer ...

DIY Magnetic Encoder

The PiicoDev Magnetometer unlocks a lot of sensing abilities for your project.  In this guide we'll walk through how to sense an angle with a small magnet and print the angle on a PiicoDev OLED. This guide covers what the sensor is r...

The PiicoDev Magnetometer unlocks a lot of sensing abilities for your project.  In this guide we'll walk through how to sense an angle with a small magnet and print the angle on a PiicoDev OLED. This guide covers what the sensor is r...

Plant_io Sensors Guide | Connect Sensors and Log Data

In the Plant_io Basic Setup Guide we assembled the Plant_io platform to automatically irrigate plants, and sprouted some seeds. As the project runs, a log file is updated with data captured at each interval. This simple log allows us ...

In the Plant_io Basic Setup Guide we assembled the Plant_io platform to automatically irrigate plants, and sprouted some seeds. As the project runs, a log file is updated with data captured at each interval. This simple log allows us ...

MicroPython for Micro:bit Workshop

Welcome to the MicroPython for micro:bit workshop! This workshop is aimed at makers who want to start programming with MicroPython, we will be using the micro:bit as it is very easy to use so we can cover the important concepts that will ap...

Welcome to the MicroPython for micro:bit workshop! This workshop is aimed at makers who want to start programming with MicroPython, we will be using the micro:bit as it is very easy to use so we can cover the important concepts that will ap...

GlowBit™ rainbow Quickstart Guide for micro:bit

Let's do some creative projects to get familiar with the GlowBit™ rainbow and micro:bit. The animation runs for 10 seconds, and can be started by pressing either of the micro:bit's buttons In this guide we will: Wi...

Let's do some creative projects to get familiar with the GlowBit™ rainbow and micro:bit. The animation runs for 10 seconds, and can be started by pressing either of the micro:bit's buttons In this guide we will: Wi...

E-Textiles / Wearables Compared: LilyPad vs GEMMA vs Microbit

Every good E-Textiles or Wearables project needs to start somewhere, and the natural starting point for any project is choosing the right microcontroller. There are many good choices out there, and we will compare a few of the best and brig...

Every good E-Textiles or Wearables project needs to start somewhere, and the natural starting point for any project is choosing the right microcontroller. There are many good choices out there, and we will compare a few of the best and brig...

Auto Tracking Camera System

The purpose of this project is to design a system that will automatically track stars or satellites. The first version, described here, is specifically to track stars and operate a Raspberry Pi HQ camera to take a series of long-exposure im...

The purpose of this project is to design a system that will automatically track stars or satellites. The first version, described here, is specifically to track stars and operate a Raspberry Pi HQ camera to take a series of long-exposure im...

Roverling Mk.ⅠⅠ


A few months back I created a basic mobile platform using parts from an old 3D printer.  It was fun but not very practical. I designed Roverling Mark II so I could experi...


A few months back I created a basic mobile platform using parts from an old 3D printer.  It was fun but not very practical. I designed Roverling Mark II so I could experi...
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