
We are Sparkfun retailers in Australia and have their entire range! Sparkfun are a team of creative makers based in Colorado USA. They are renowned for innovations within the maker movement and are powered by a wonderful team of engineers and makers.

Everything Sparkfun is open source, from code through to schematics and tutorials. The team here at Core Electronics have also created our own tutorials and we're here to help with any questions you may have about their products.

Here is a video that showcases some interesting bits and pieces. Products are always well described, provided with source code where possible and there is a whole community of people contributing along the way.

If you are an Australian educator and are interested with placing a purchase order for some Sparkfun kits, then please contact us with your questions / purchase orders. Net payment terms are available!


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Items 1-25 of 1545

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  1. NVIDIA Jetson Orin Nano Super Developer Kit
    SKU: DEV-22098 Brand: Sparkfun
    The NVIDIA® Jetson OrinTM Nano comprises of a Jetson Orin Nano 8GB module and a carrier board that can accommodate all Orin Nano and Orin NX modules...

    Out of Stock

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  2. PINECIL - Smart Mini Portable Soldering Iron
    100% of 100
    SKU: TOL-23913 Brand: Sparkfun
    The Pinecil is a smart mini portable soldering iron with a 32-bit RISC-V SoC...
    - +

    10 from local stock, 1 supplier stock; your order will dispatch between Dec 1 to Dec 10. And yes, stock levels and lead times are accurate!

    Delivered by Feb 18th
  3. RTL-SDR BLOG V3 USB Dongle with Dipole Antenna Kit
    100% of 100
    SKU: WRL-22957 Brand: Sparkfun
    The RTL-SDR BLOG V3 is a low-cost software defined radio USB dongle...
    - +

    17 from local stock, 1 supplier stock; your order will dispatch between Dec 1 to Dec 10. And yes, stock levels and lead times are accurate!

    Delivered by Feb 18th
  4. HackRF One
    SKU: WRL-13001 Brand: Sparkfun

    This is the HackRF One, a Software Defined Radio (SDR) peripheral capable of transmission or reception of radio signals from 1MHz to 6GHz. Designed to enable test and development of modern and next generation radio technologies, HackRF One is an open source hardware platform that can be used as a USB peripheral or programmed for stand-alone operation.

    - +

    2 from local stock, 1 supplier stock; your order will dispatch between Dec 1 to Dec 10. And yes, stock levels and lead times are accurate!

    Delivered by Feb 18th
  5. SparkFun Inventor's Kit Lab Pack - v4.1.2
    SKU: LAB-21302 Brand: Sparkfun
    The SIK Lab Pack includes 10 complete Inventor's Kits, a Refill Pack with, and AA sized batteries to get your class started in the world of electronics...
    $2,268.05 AUD, inc GST
    As low as $2,154.65 AUD, inc GST
    - +

    0 from local stock, 1 supplier stock; your order will dispatch between Dec 1 to Dec 10. And yes, stock levels and lead times are accurate!

    Available with 5 to 8 day lead time
  6. SparkFun GPS-RTK-SMA Breakout - ZED-F9P (Qwiic)
    100% of 100
    SKU: GPS-16481 Brand: Sparkfun
    With GPS you are able to know where you are, where you're going, and how to get there anywhere on Earth within 30 seconds. This means the higher the accuracy the...
    - +

    2 from local stock, 1 supplier stock; your order will dispatch between Dec 1 to Dec 10. And yes, stock levels and lead times are accurate!

    Delivered by Feb 18th
  7. SparkFun RTK Express Plus Kit
    SKU: GPS-18589 Brand: Sparkfun
    The RTK Express Plus Kit has everything you need to get centimeter level global positioning measurements using GNSS RTK...
    $1,470.30 AUD, inc GST
    As low as $1,448.25 AUD, inc GST
    - +

    0 from local stock, 1 supplier stock; your order will dispatch between Dec 1 to Dec 10. And yes, stock levels and lead times are accurate!

    Available with 5 to 8 day lead time
  8. SparkFun RTK Facet
    SKU: GPS-19984 Brand: Sparkfun
    The SparkFun RTK Facet is a fully enclosed GNSS receiver for centimeter-level positioning. Perfect for high precision geolocation and surveying needs...
    $1,311.28 AUD, inc GST
    As low as $1,245.72 AUD, inc GST
    - +

    0 from local stock, 1 supplier stock; your order will dispatch between Dec 1 to Dec 10. And yes, stock levels and lead times are accurate!

    Available with 5 to 8 day lead time
  9. Resistor Kit - 1/4W (500 total)
    96% of 100
    SKU: COM-10969 Brand: Sparkfun Guides (2)
    This assortment of through-hole Resistors comes jam-packed with 500 separate resistors, broken down into 20 of the most common resistance values you'll ever need. The folded sleeve packaging offers a awesome way to keep your collection organised over the course of many projects.
    - +

    31 from local stock, 1 supplier stock; your order will dispatch between Dec 1 to Dec 10. And yes, stock levels and lead times are accurate!

    Delivered by Feb 18th
  10. Hook-Up Wire - Assortment (Solid Core, 22 AWG)
    97% of 100
    SKU: PRT-11367 Brand: Sparkfun
    Your workshop may be awesome, but is it 6 different colours of solid-core, 22AWG hook-up wire awesome? Well, it is now.
    - +

    8 from local stock, 1 supplier stock; your order will dispatch between Dec 1 to Dec 10. And yes, stock levels and lead times are accurate!

    Delivered by Feb 18th
  11. Weather Meter Kit
    100% of 100
    SKU: SEN-15901 Brand: Sparkfun
    Whether you're an agriculturalist, a professional meteorologist or a weather hobbyist, building your own weather station can be a really rewarding project. When...
    - +

    4 from local stock, 1 supplier stock; your order will dispatch between Dec 1 to Dec 10. And yes, stock levels and lead times are accurate!

    Delivered by Feb 18th
  12. Luxonis Oak-D LITE
    SKU: SEN-19040 Brand: Sparkfun Guides (1)
    The smaller and more affordable Oak-D LITE can still be considered the swiss army knife of computer vision...
    - +

    1 from local stock, 1 supplier stock; your order will dispatch between Dec 1 to Dec 10. And yes, stock levels and lead times are accurate!

    Delivered by Feb 18th
  13. SparkFun Inventor's Kit - v4.1.2
    SKU: KIT-21301 Brand: Sparkfun
    The SparkFun Inventor's Kit (SIK) is a great way to get started with programming and hardware interaction with the Arduino programming language...
    - +

    3 from local stock, 1 supplier stock; your order will dispatch between Dec 1 to Dec 10. And yes, stock levels and lead times are accurate!

    Delivered by Feb 18th
  14. SparkFun GPS Breakout - NEO-M9N, SMA (Qwiic)
    SKU: GPS-17285 Brand: Sparkfun
    The SparkFun NEO-M9N GPS Breakout is a high quality GPS board with equally impressive configuration options including SMA. The NEO-M9N module is a 92-channel u-blox...
    - +

    4 from local stock, 1 supplier stock; your order will dispatch between Dec 1 to Dec 10. And yes, stock levels and lead times are accurate!

    Delivered by Feb 18th
  15. SparkFun GPS-RTK-SMA Kit
    SKU: KIT-18292 Brand: Sparkfun
    The SparkFun GPS-RTK-SMA Kit comes with just what you need to get started using GPS Real Time Kinematics and the u-blox ZED-F9P...
    - +

    0 from local stock, 1 supplier stock; your order will dispatch between Dec 1 to Dec 10. And yes, stock levels and lead times are accurate!

    Available with 5 to 8 day lead time
  16. USB Logic Analyzer - 24MHz/8-Channel
    100% of 100
    SKU: TOL-18627 Brand: Sparkfun
    This 8-channel USB Logic Analyzer with support for sampling rates of up to 24MHz provides a good while economic option making it a great and easy tool...
    - +

    5 from local stock, 1 supplier stock; your order will dispatch between Dec 1 to Dec 10. And yes, stock levels and lead times are accurate!

    Delivered by Feb 18th
  17. GNSS Multi-Band L1/L2 Surveying Antenna (TNC) - TOP106
    100% of 100
    SKU: GPS-17751 Brand: Sparkfun
    The TOP106 from TOPGNSS is a GNSS/GPS antenna capable of receiving the L1/L2 bands for GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and BeiDou constellations. These 'UFO' antennas have...
    - +

    2 from local stock, 1 supplier stock; your order will dispatch between Dec 1 to Dec 10. And yes, stock levels and lead times are accurate!

    Delivered by Feb 18th
  18. RockBLOCK Mk2 - Iridium SatComm Module
    SKU: WRL-13745 Brand: Sparkfun
    The RockBLOCK Mk2 allows you to send and receive short messages from anywhere on Earth with a clear view of the sky and it works far beyond the reach of WiFi and GSM networks. Maybe you want to transmit weather information from mid-ocean? Or use it to control your robot in the middle of the desert? Perhaps you need to communicate in an emergency, when other networks might not be available? RockBLOCK can help you.
    - +

    2 from local stock, 1 supplier stock; your order will dispatch between Dec 1 to Dec 10. And yes, stock levels and lead times are accurate!

    Delivered by Feb 18th
  19. Temperature Sensor - Waterproof (DS18B20)
    100% of 100
    SKU: SEN-11050 Brand: Sparkfun
    This sealed digital temperature probe lets you precisely measure temperatures in wet environments with a simple 1-Wire interface. The DS18B20 provides 9 to 12-bit (configurable) temperature readings over a 1-Wire interface, so that only one wire (and ground) needs to be connected from a central microprocessor.
    - +

    21 from local stock, 1 supplier stock; your order will dispatch between Dec 1 to Dec 10. And yes, stock levels and lead times are accurate!

    Delivered by Feb 18th
  20. SparkFun OpenLog Artemis
    100% of 100
    SKU: DEV-16832 Brand: Sparkfun
    The SparkFun OpenLog Artemis is an open source data logger that comes preprogrammed to automatically log IMU, GPS, serial data, and various pressure, humidity, and...
    - +

    1 from local stock, 1 supplier stock; your order will dispatch between Dec 1 to Dec 10. And yes, stock levels and lead times are accurate!

    Delivered by Feb 18th
  21. SparkFun GNSS Timing Breakout - ZED-F9T (Qwiic)
    SKU: GPS-18774 Brand: Sparkfun
    The SparkFun GNSS Timing Breakout offers a unique entry into SparkFun's geospatial catalog featuring the ZED-F9T GNSS receiver from u-blox...
    - +

    0 from local stock, 1 supplier stock; your order will dispatch between Dec 1 to Dec 10. And yes, stock levels and lead times are accurate!

    Available with 5 to 8 day lead time
  22. SparkFun Simultaneous RFID Reader - M7E Hecto
    SKU: WRL-24738 Brand: Sparkfun
    The SparkFun M7E Hecto Simultaneous RFID Reader simplifies reading UHF RFID tags (EPCglobal Gen 2) with its powerful M7E-HECTO module by JADAK...
    - +

    0 from local stock, 1 supplier stock; your order will dispatch between Dec 1 to Dec 10. And yes, stock levels and lead times are accurate!

    Available with 5 to 8 day lead time
  23. Teensy 4.0 (Headers)
    100% of 100
    SKU: DEV-16997 Brand: Sparkfun
    Teensy 4.0 features an ARM Cortex-M7 processor at 600MHz, with a NXP iMXRT1062 chip, the fastest microcontroller available today. No soldering required!
    $47.95 AUD, inc GST
    - +

    31 from local stock, 1 supplier stock; your order will dispatch between Dec 1 to Dec 10. And yes, stock levels and lead times are accurate!

    Delivered by Feb 18th
  24. SparkFun Load Cell Amplifier - HX711
    99% of 100
    SKU: SEN-13879 Brand: Sparkfun
    The SparkFun Load Cell Amplifier is a small breakout board for the HX711 IC that allows you to easily read load cells to measure weight. By connecting the amplifier to your microcontroller you will be able to read the changes in the resistance of the load cell, and with some calibration you’ll be able to get very accurate weight measurements. This can be handy for creating your own industrial scale, process control or simple presence detection.
    - +

    9 from local stock, 1 supplier stock; your order will dispatch between Dec 1 to Dec 10. And yes, stock levels and lead times are accurate!

    Delivered by Feb 18th
  25. SparkFun Thing Plus - ESP32 WROOM (USB-C)
    100% of 100
    SKU: WRL-20168 Brand: Sparkfun Guides (1)
    The USB-C variant of ESP32 Thing Plus is a development board with WiFi, SPP, BLE, Qwiic connector, 21 I/O pins, RGB status LED, and micro SD card slot...
    - +

    8 from local stock, 1 supplier stock; your order will dispatch between Dec 1 to Dec 10. And yes, stock levels and lead times are accurate!

    Delivered by Feb 18th
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