Motor controllers consist of drivers, combined with logic circuits designed to handle higher-level interfaces such as serial, PWM, analog, and other common inputs.
This powerful motor controller makes closed-loop speed or position (but not both!) control of a brushed DC motor easy, with quick configuration over USB...
The jrk 21v3 motor controller is a highly configurable brushed DC motor controller that supports four interface modes: USB, logic-level serial, analog voltage, and hobby radio control (RC). The controller can be used with feedback for closed-loop speed or position control, or it can be used without feedback as an open-loop speed control. The continuous output current is approximately 3 A in the recommended operating range of 8–28 V, with derated performance down to 5 V and transient protection to 40 V. The board ships with connectors included but not soldered in, allowing for custom installations.
The Pololu Simple Motor Controller 18v7 makes basic control of brushed DC motors easy, with Pololu's free Simple Motor Control Center software enabling quick configuration over USB. The controller supports four interface modes: USB, TTL serial, analog voltage, and hobby radio control (RC). This version operates from 5.5 to 30 V and is efficient enough to deliver a continuous 7 A (>30 A peak) without a heat sink. It ships with the power capacitor and connectors installed as shown.
This powerful motor controller makes basic control of a brushed DC motor easy, with quick configuration over USB using our free software. It supports five control interfaces: USB, TTL serial, I²C, analog voltage (potentiometer), and hobby radio control (RC)
This powerful motor controller makes closed-loop speed or position (but not both!) control of a brushed DC motor easy, with quick configuration over USB using our free software. It supports five control interfaces: USB, TTL serial, I²C, analog voltage (potentiometer), and hobby radio control (RC).
The Motoron M2H18v18 Dual High-Power Motor Controller makes it easy to control DC motors from a Raspberry Pi (Model B+ or newer) through an I²C interface....
The Motoron M2H18v18 Dual High-Power Motor Controller makes it easy to control DC motors from a Raspberry Pi (Model B+ or newer) through an I²C interface....
The Motoron M1T256 Single I²C Motor Controller offers a compact solution for controlling one DC motor using an I²C interface. Multiple Motoron controllers...
The RoboClaw motor controllers from Basicmicro can control a pair of brushed DC motors using USB serial, TTL serial, RC, or analog inputs. Integrated dual...
The RoboClaw motor controllers from Basicmicro can control a pair of brushed DC motors using USB serial, TTL serial, RC, or analog inputs. Integrated dual...
Explore the ATOMIC Motion Base, a versatile STM32-powered controller featuring 4 servo channels and 2 DC motor interfaces, designed for ATOM series with built-in 700mAh battery for portable robotics and motor control projects.
Explore the ATOMIC H-Bridge Motor Driver, a compact 24V/1.5A DC motor controller featuring integrated protection circuits, real-time voltage monitoring, and seamless compatibility with ATOM series controllers.
This powerful motor controller makes basic control of a brushed DC motor easy, with quick configuration over USB using our free software. It supports five...
This discrete MOSFET H-bridge motor driver enables bidirectional control of one high-power DC brushed motor. The small 1.3" × 0.8" board supports a wide...
The RoboClaw motor controllers from Basicmicro can control a pair of brushed DC motors using USB serial, TTL serial, RC, or analog inputs. Integrated dual...
The RoboClaw motor controllers from Basicmicro can control a pair of brushed DC motors using USB serial, TTL serial, RC, or analog inputs. Integrated dual...
The RoboClaw motor controllers from Basicmicro can control a pair of brushed DC motors using USB serial, TTL serial, RC, or analog inputs. Integrated dual...
The Motoron M2H24v16 Dual High-Power Motor Controller makes it easy to control DC motors from a Raspberry Pi (Model B+ or newer) through an I²C interface....
The Motoron M2H24v16 Dual High-Power Motor Controller makes it easy to control DC motors from a Raspberry Pi (Model B+ or newer) through an I²C interface....
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