Even the fanciest GPS receiver needs an antenna to pick up the signal and whether it's a full-size, flexible antenna, or a tiny, chip antenna, we've got you covered.
Give your Ultimate GPS V3 a boost with this external active antenna. This GPS antenna draws about 10mA and will give you an additional 28 dB of gain. It's got a...
Normal GPS antennas are optimized for the US based GPS reception which is great but with more and more modules capable of tracking additional constellations (termed...
The TOP106 from TOPGNSS is a GNSS/GPS antenna capable of receiving the L1/L2 bands for GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and BeiDou constellations. These 'UFO' antennas have...
The ANN-MB-00 GNSS multiband antenna is extremely unique from other GNSS/GPS antennas in that it is designed to receive both the classic L1 GPS band and the newly...
Embedded antenna for small, mobile applications. Basic unpackaged antenna with LNA. 5inch cable terminated with standard male SMA connector. Match it with any SMA interface cable to create a truly small GPS prototype!
The M1600HCT-P-SMA is unique antenna combining the ability to communicate with the Iridium satellite network while simultaneously receiving L1 GNSS signals...
The u-blox ANN-MB1 multi-band L1/L5 active GNSS antenna is designed to reduce time-to-market for the new generation of high precision GNSS applications...
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