More and more educators are turning to new innovative learning tools to ignite passion and curiosity in young minds everywhere, so we've put together some of the most engaging products for young learners and educators.
Great Value set of 6 rechargeable Bee-bots with Docking Station. Bee-Bot is an exciting new robot designed for use by young children. This colorful, easy-to-operate, and friendly little robot is a perfect tool for teaching sequencing, estimation, problem-solving, and just having fun!
This value bundle is a great way to bring Bee-bot into your classroom. With bots, a software site license, a resource book and other mats... your Bee-bots will be buzzing in no time!
Cubetto is made up of 3 separate elements. A friendly wooden robot, a tangible interface board, and 16x instruction blocks that make up a programming...
Introduce your child to a spectacular experience from your childhood with Smartivity Fantastic Optics Kaleidoscope STEM Educational Construction Activity toy making kit.
Smartivity Blast Off Space Rocket - Let the countdown begin... It's time for blast off! Every child wants to be an astronaut. And with Smartivity's Blast Off Space Rocket S.T.E.M. Educational D.I.Y. Toy kit, your child (6+ years) can bring their imagination to life.
Smartivity Fidget Digit Multiplication Machine – Two oneza two, two twoza four… Cram it till you jam it, old school style! So, we have created a multiplier to help your child learn the tables in a different and fun way! This mechanical toy uses a set of pivoting links to tell you the multiplication product of 2 numbers.
Smartivity Gear Propeller Flying Machine – Is it a plane? Is it a bird? No, it’s a flying machine! And you get to build it, tune it, and play with it! Try different combination of gears, speeds and wing angles, and change the way it flies! Sling boredom out of the window, and take to the skies with this cool new Smartivity STEM Educational DIY toy.
Introduce your child to the magic of arcade games. Smartivity Pot Shots Marble Game re-imagines the classic Skee-ball with a DIY twist. Load the shooter, aim the launcher and pocket the marbles to win highest points. In the process, introduce your child to the concepts of angular momentum, link-mechanisms, gradients and trajectories... Have a blast with this nostalgic classic.
A car that can be turned into a robot... Just what your child dreamed of. Smartivity STEMFormers Rover-Bot 2-in-1 construction toy allows your child to construct two different toys using the same parts - a wind-up rover, and a attacking bot. In the process, your child is introduced to core understanding of STEAM concepts like wind-up mechanism, gears, elasticity, torque, transfer of energy and laws of motion. It is a win-win either way.
Smartivity STEMwheels Stunt Demon - Ready, set, go! Get familiar with the concept of motion, elasticity, and momentum faster than your car can race past the finish line.
Smartivity Pump It Move It Hydraulic Crane introduces your child to the basics of pressure-based mechanisms that they see around in cranes, JCBs and other heavy engineering equipment.
Not merely a snow globe, but a show globe! This custom container is durable, clear and round, with a large flat screw-on top and a press-fit rubber stopper. The...
Creative kids build and customize a rockin’ synth guitar using littleBits electronic building blocks, then transform it into new electronic instruments of their own!
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