Here at Core Electronics we are pumped to make available an awesome range of robots developed and manufactured by 4tronix in the UK. 4tronix make awesome robots for Arduino, Raspberry Pi and micro:bit.
Get in touch with us at Core Electronics to talk shop about your robot projects!
Take your Raspberry Pi Zero out of this world with this 4tronix M.A.R.S. Rover kit which is loosely based on the Curiosity and Mars 2020 rovers from NASA/JPL, It uses the same rocker arm, bogey, and differential arm mechanism.
This affordable, ready-assembled robotics controller board is ready to accept your BBC Micro:Bit, battery power (6 to 10V) and motors of your choice to make your own DIY robot. Use a small box, ice-cream carton or similar to house everything and you can build a really affordable robot for your school, coding club or home.
Introducing BitBot XL, taking the much-loved BitBot to the next level. We have made several changes, some subtle, some not so subtle, to give a much-improved experience of using and working with the BitBot.
This breakout is a simple and robust way to add ultrasonic distance sensing to your robot. Supported on BitBot XL, Pi2Go Mk2, Pi-Bug (v1.1 and later), Minibit and other 4tronix robots released from July 2019 onwards (including the Robobit Mk3, v1.3 onwards)
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