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The Arduino Engineering Kit Rev 2 provides extensive learning outcomes, giving students a strong understanding of basic engineering concepts through fun projects that create a collaborative learning environment. Students are able to connect what they learn with real-world industries, are encouraged to think critically, and improve their depth of knowledge by learning through experimentation. Ideal for advanced high school and college students.
The Arduino Engineering Kit Rev 2 is a versatile, hands-on learning tool that demonstrates key control systems concepts, core aspects of mechatronics, and MATLAB and Simulink programming. The projects cover the basics of model-based design, control systems, image processing, robotics, signal processing, and more - plus they’re fun to do! The kit includes all the physical components you need, including learning materials and software, to build the three projects: a self-balancing motorcycle, a webcam controlled rover, and a drawing robot. There’s online step-by-step guidance, so it’s ideal for students working in small groups or for facilitating remote learning.
The kit is primarily for three types of users: students learning about mechatronics engineering, professors looking for practical resources to support their class, and makers with an interest or background in robotics, either professionally or as a hobby.
Adapting the kit and further experimentation
Educators can freely tailor the Arduino Engineering Kit Rev2 to their students´needs and their own curriculum. You can use this versatile kit as the core of a new engineering mechatronics class or freely adapt the content to your own ideas and experiments while implementing MATLAB and Simulink, for example as part of laboratories and final projects.
Opportunity for lots of experimentation for both educators and students. In addition to the three projects, students have the freedom to experiment, design, and develop new solutions using the software and hardware components in the kit, which are some of the tools that are used in industry and help students learn valuable career skills they’ll use in the future. Students can also buy the kit and use it to experiment at home and for extended learning.
The Kit Includes
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The kit includes online learning content material with step-by-step instructions, lessons and activities, ideal for students working in small groups or for facilitating remote learning. Students and professors can use this versatile kit´s content as the core of a new engineering mechatronics class or freely adapt the content to their own needs and curriculum.
The content is designed to help students to get started with the kit, Arduino, Matlab and Simulink, and the basics of mechatronics. At the same time, it includes in-depth step-by-step activities on how to build, design and program three projects that helps students to learn fundamental engineering concepts, key aspects of mechatronics, and MATLAB and Simulink programming through a hands-on way.
Visit a preview of the content at this link
Frequently Asked Questions
How is the Arduino Engineering Kit course structured?
Arduino Engineering Kit course content is divided into six chapters and is designed to be followed sequentially from chapters 1 to 3, which should be used as a reference when needed. Chapters 4, 5 and 6 are projects. They can be done in any order but it is recommended to start with chapter 4.
What engineering concepts are covered?
The kit covers an introduction to:
What projects are included in the Arduino Engineering Kit Rev2?
What are the differences between Arduino Engineering Kit Rev1 and Rev2?
The main differences are that the Rev2 kit features:
I have an Arduino Engineering Kit Rev1. Can I update it to Rev2?
Since the hardware is different in Rev2 it also has a different online platform with updated content.
To get the new hardware and access to the updated online platform you need to purchase the Rev2.
However, you can also choose to continue using your Rev1 and its online platform.
What operating system is required?
Windows 7 or higher, Linux, and Mac OS (including catalina).
Can I get replacement parts?
Yes, we are adding replacement parts to the Arduino Store.
Are MATLAB and Simulink included or do I have to pay extra?
One Arduino Engineering Kit includes a one-year free trial license of MATLAB, Simulink and other add-on products for one individual.
This license is for educational use only, not for government, research, commercial, or other organizational use.
Can I transfer the code for accessing the learning material and the MATLAB/SIMULINK trial to another person?
The code for the MathWorks trial license and access to the online platform are NOT transferable.
Is this kit suitable for distance learning?
Yes, the new kit allows for individual use and on site use. Students can have access to the MathWorks tools either via their campus license or the free trial version included in the kit. The online educational platform and content can be accessed from wherever the students are as long as they have internet connection. The kit also includes all the hardware the students will need for the lessons and projects.
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