Glow Cuboid

Updated 26 July 2023


I wanted to make something artistic and dynamic using the GlowBit 8x8 matrix that I’ve been playing around with.  It’s just an RP2040 programmed in Python to produce random patterns on a GlowBit 8x8 RGB LED matrix. I just played around with numbers and algorithms until I liked the look of them. It seems that people all have very differing favorites and some that I didn’t like, others love.  So to that end, I created 4 different algorithms which create distinctive patterns over time. I didn’t want to use any switches so an accelerometer determines the orientation of the cube which sets the mode.  The unit resets itself when put on its back.  

Basically, you just plug it into a USB power source and it does its thing.  Two of the modes take some time to initialise.

The size of the unit was determined by a piece of sample frosted acrylic lying around that measured 100 x 100 x 10mm. 



3D Printed Enclosure

  • Design files in FreeCAD format + 3D models in step format + 3mf Prusa format
  • Nothing special about prints, but need support for the front piece rebate
  • My printer is a Prusa i3 and I use generic branded filaments


  • Cover the back of the LED matrix with electrical tape.
  • Hot glue MCU, USB plug, and MPU to electrical tape on the back of the matrix.
  • Solder up as per schematic below.
  • Test.


Drop the module into the enclosure.

The back cover snaps on. I didn't glue it in place, but you could.

Front should look like this.

Push the acrylic into the front. Mine fits tight, so glue wasn't needed, and a tap to get it out if required.

Random Patterns

It is difficult to get a good picture or video of the device in operation using a smartphone.  However, I have managed to capture the 4 different patterns using my SLR instead.

The videos were so popular amongst friends that I filmed them in 4K UHD, so if you get a chance check them out on a big screen in UHD.  They can be quite mesmerizing. In these videos, I just mirrored the edge pixels on both sides to fill the screen.

Files & Code

All files required for this project are in the GitHub repository

  • FreeCAD design (.FCStd)
  • 3D Models (.step)
  • Prusa Project (.3mf)
  • Python Code (
  • Driver ( - not sure where I got this from
# 8x8 NeoPixel matrix.  using ramp program in LED boy as basis
# GlowBit libraries really slow for this app, so using NeoPixel (7x faster)
# v1.01 added network, MQTT 
# v1.02 about to remove network and go back to pico zero
# v1.03 new case, new unbroken matrix, add two additional modes

version = '1.03'

print('Glow Cube on RP2040-Zero, v' + version)
print('Mark Makies, Apr 2023')

from machine import Pin, SoftI2C
from time import sleep_ms, ticks_ms
import random
from random import randint as RI

import gc
import neopixel
import mpu6050

i2c = SoftI2C(scl=Pin(1), sda=Pin(0), freq=320_000)
mpu= mpu6050.accel(i2c)
mpu_ticks = ticks_ms()

numPixels = 64
NeoPin = Pin(14,Pin.OUT)                        # built in LED on pin 16
Neo = neopixel.NeoPixel(NeoPin,numPixels)

MinLevel = 4
MaxLevel = 15

# Lights Action
# Type A: random slopes and levels, assigned to a finite number of pixels
#         only 2 of 3 pixel LEDs on at any one time
#         cable entry from left side
# Type B: from initial LED Boy / Light House ramp but rather than per pixel, 
#         these are randomly mapped spacially.  random element for timing,
#         pixel deletion, and random pixels
#         cable entry from bottom
# Type R: Random
#         cable entry from right side
# Type S: Random with a weighting to try to promote symbol like patterns
#         cable entry from top

Type = 'A'

LoopTime = 50 #ms
ResetState1 = True
ResetState2 = True

def NNcount(i):
    row = i // 8
    col = i % 8
    n = 0

    if 0 < row < 7 and 0 < col < 7:                     # all middle section
        n = (ON[i-1] + ON[i+1] + ON[i-8] + ON[i+8] + 
             ON[i-9] + ON[i-7] + ON[i+7] + ON[i+9])

    elif row == 0 and 0 < col < 7:                      # top row (no corners)
        n = ON[i-1] + ON[i+1] + ON[i+8] + ON[i+7] + ON[i+9]
    elif row == 7 and 0 < col < 7:                      # bottom row (no corners)
        n = ON[i-1] + ON[i+1] + ON[i-8] + ON[i-9] + ON[i-7]
    elif col == 0 and 0 < row < 7:                      # first column (no corners)
        n = ON[i-8] + ON[i+8] + ON[i+1] + ON[i-7] + ON[i+9]
    elif col == 7 and 0 < row < 7:                      # last column (no corners)
        n = ON[i-8] + ON[i+8] + ON[i-1] + ON[i+7] + ON[i-9]

    elif col == 0 and row == 0:                         # top left corner
        n = ON[i+8] + ON[i+1] + ON[i+9]    
    elif col == 7 and row == 0:                         # top right corner
        n = ON[i+8] + ON[i-1] + ON[i+7]   

    elif col == 0 and row == 7:                         # bottom left corner
        n = ON[i-8] + ON[i+1] + ON[i-7]    
    elif col == 7 and row == 7:                         # bottom right corner
        n = ON[i-8] + ON[i-1] + ON[i-9] 

    return n

def Run4(t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8, prob): 
    searching = True
    StartTime = ticks_ms()

    while searching:
        for k in range(numPixels):
            t = RI(1,100)
            if t < prob:
                R[k] = RI(0, MaxLevel - 2)
                G[k] = RI(0, MaxLevel + 7)
                B[k] = RI(0, MaxLevel)
                aa = RI(1,3)
                if aa == 1:
                    R[k] = 0
                elif aa == 2:
                    G[k] = 0
                    B[k] = 0

                ON[k] = True
                R[k] = 0
                G[k] = 0
                B[k] = 0
                ON[k] = False
        for k in range(numPixels):
            if ON[k]:
                NN[k] = NNcount(k)          
                NN[k] = 0

        if (NN.count(0) >= t0 and NN.count(1) >= t1 and NN.count(2) >= t2 and NN.count(3) >= t3 and
                NN.count(4) >= t4 and NN.count(5) >= t5 and NN.count(6) >= t6 and NN.count(7) >= t7 and
                NN.count(8) >= t8):
                # transition

            Ndone = 0 
            while Ndone != 3 * numPixels:
                Ndone = 0  
                for k in range(numPixels):
                    rr, gg, bb = Neo[k]
                    if rr > R[k]:
                        rr -= 1
                    elif rr < R[k]:
                        rr += 1
                        Ndone += 1

                    if gg > G[k]:
                        gg -= 1
                    elif gg < G[k]:
                        gg += 1                        
                        Ndone += 1

                    if bb > B[k]:
                        bb -= 1
                    elif bb < B[k]:
                        bb += 1
                        Ndone += 1
                    Neo[k] = (rr, gg, bb)           

            searching = False

        if ticks_ms() - StartTime > 1000:       # allow time for main loop to accept input
            searching = False

while True:    
    ss = ticks_ms()

    if Type == 'A':
        # Type A - Loop time around 27ms - pad out to LoopTime
        if ResetState1:
            ResetState1 = False
            numOff = 37
            MaxBrightMin, MaxBrightMax = MinLevel, MaxLevel         #50ms loop
            ToffMin, ToffMax =  10, 500 
            TonMin, TonMax =    10,100
            TriseMin, TriseMax = 40, 500
            TfallMin, TfallMax = 40, 500

            LEDs =      [[0,0,0] for n in range(numPixels)]
            MaxBright = [[0,0,0] for n in range(numPixels)]
            Toff =      [[0,0,0] for n in range(numPixels)]
            Ton =       [[0,0,0] for n in range(numPixels)]
            Trise =     [[0,0,0] for n in range(numPixels)]
            Tfall =     [[0,0,0] for n in range(numPixels)]
            Count =     [[0,0,0] for n in range(numPixels)]
            RState =    [['ready','ready','ready'] for n in range(numPixels)]
            PState =    ['off' for n in range(numPixels)]

            for k in range(numPixels):
                Neo[k] = ((0, 0, 0))

        while PState.count('off') >=  numOff: 	#then fire one up
            jj = RI(0, numPixels-1)
            if PState[jj] == 'off':          
                PState[jj] = 'on'

        for k in range(numPixels):
            if PState[k] == 'on' or PState[k] == 'wait':

                if RState[k].count('ready') > 1 and PState[k] != 'wait': # then fire one up
                    #j = RI(0,2)
                    jjj = random.random() * 100
                    if jjj < 35:
                        j = 0               #red 35%
                    elif jjj < (35+34):
                        j = 1               #green 34%
                        j = 2               #blue 31%

                    if RState[k][j] == 'ready':
                        MaxBright[k][j] = RI(MaxBrightMin, MaxBrightMax)
                        Toff[k][j] = RI(ToffMin,ToffMax)
                        Ton[k][j] = RI(TonMin,TonMax)
                        Trise[k][j] = RI(TriseMin,TriseMax)
                        Tfall[k][j] = RI(TfallMin,TfallMax) 
                        Count[k][j] = Toff[k][j]
                        RState[k][j] = 'off'

                for i in range(3):  
                    if RState[k][i] == 'off':
                        if Count[k][i] == 0:    # transition to rising
                            RState[k][i] = 'rising'
                            Count[k][i] = Trise[k][i]
                            Count[k][i] -= 1

                    elif RState[k][i] == 'rising':
                        LEDs[k][i] = int(MaxBright[k][i] * (Trise[k][i] - Count[k][i]) / Trise[k][i])
                        if LEDs[k][i] >= MaxBright[k][i]:  # next RState
                            LEDs[k][i] = MaxBright[k][i]
                            RState[k][i] = 'on'
                            Count[k][i] = Ton[k][i]
                            Count[k][i] -= 1    
                    elif RState[k][i] == 'on':
                        if Count[k][i] == 0:    # transition to falling
                            RState[k][i] = 'falling'
                            Count[k][i] = Tfall[k][i]
                            Count[k][i] -= 1

                    elif RState[k][i] == 'falling':    
                        LEDs[k][i] = int(MaxBright[k][i] *  Count[k][i] / Tfall[k][i])
                        if LEDs[k][i] <= 0:
                            LEDs[k][i] = 0
                            RState[k][i] = 'ready'
                            if PState[k] == 'on':
                                PState[k] = 'wait'
                            Count[k][i] -= 1      
                if PState[k] == 'wait' and RState[k].count('ready') == 3:
                    PState[k] = 'off'

                R = int(LEDs[k][0])
                G = int(LEDs[k][1])
                B = int(LEDs[k][2])

                Neo[k] = (R,G,B)

        neopixel.NeoPixel.write(Neo) # consistant execute time 2.03ms 

        elapsed = ticks_ms() - ss
        if elapsed > LoopTime:
            print('Warning, loop taking too long:', elapsed, 'ms')
            sleep_ms(LoopTime - elapsed)

    elif Type == 'B':
        # Type B loop time 4.5 ms

        if ResetState2:
            ResetState2 = False
            ToffMin = 1 
            ToffMax = 2
            TonMin = 2
            TonMax = 70
            TriseMin = 5    
            TriseMax = 30
            TfallMin = 5
            TfallMax = 30

            LEDs = [0,0,0]
            Toff = [0,0,0]  
            Ton = [0,0,0]
            Trise = [0,0,0]   
            Tfall = [0,0,0]
            RState = ['ready','ready','ready']
            Count = [0,0,0]
            rduty = [0,0,0]

            RandTrig = 2 / 100 
            RandOff  = 57 / 100
            RandRand = 7 / 100

            for k in range(numPixels):
                Neo[k] = ((0, 0, 0))

        if RState.count('ready') > 1: # then fire one up
            j = RI(0,2)
            if RState[j] == 'ready':
                Toff[j] = RI(ToffMin,ToffMax)
                Ton[j] = RI(TonMin,TonMax)
                Trise[j] = RI(TriseMin,TriseMax)
                Tfall[j] = RI(TfallMin,TfallMax) 
                Count[j] = Toff[j]
                RState[j] = 'off'

        for i in range(3):  
            if RState[i] == 'off':
                if Count[i] == 0:    # transition to rising
                    RState[i] = 'rising'
                    Count[i] = Trise[i]
                    Count[i] -= 1

            elif RState[i] == 'rising':
                if Count[i] == 0:   # ramp up or next RState
                    rduty[i] += 1
                    if rduty[i] > 255:  # next RState
                        rduty[i] = 255
                        RState[i] = 'on'
                        Count[i] = Ton[i]
                        Count[i] = Trise[i]
                    LEDs[i] = rduty[i]
                    Count[i] -= 1    

            elif RState[i] == 'on':
                if Count[i] == 0:    # transition to falling
                    RState[i] = 'falling'
                    Count[i] = Tfall[i]
                    Count[i] -= 1

            elif RState[i] == 'falling':    
                if Count[i] == 0:   # step down or out
                    rduty[i] -= 1
                    if rduty[i] < 0:
                        rduty[i] = 0
                        RState[i] = 'ready'
                        Count[i] = Tfall[i]
                    LEDs[i] = rduty[i]
                    Count[i] -= 1         
        t = random.random()
        if t < RandTrig:
            k = RI(0, (numPixels-1))
            R = int(LEDs[0] * MaxLevel / 255)
            G = int(LEDs[1] * MaxLevel / 255)
            B = int(LEDs[2] * MaxLevel / 255)
            Neo[k] = (R,G,B)
            t = random.random()
            if t < RandOff :
                Neo[k] = (0,0,0)
            t = random.random()
            if t < RandRand :
                av = int((R + B + G) / 3)
                R = RI(0, av)
                G = RI(0, av - R)
                B = RI(0, av - R - G)
                Neo[k] = (R,G,B)


    elif Type == 'R':
        # Type R loop time ? ms

        if ResetState3:
            ResetState3 = False
            for k in range(numPixels):
                Neo[k] = ((0, 0, 0))

        if RI(1, 100) < 50:
            xx = RI(1,3)
            if xx == 1:
                R = 0
                R = RI(0, MaxLevel)
            if xx == 2:
                G = 0
                G = RI(0, MaxLevel)
            if xx == 3:
                B = 0
                B = RI(0, MaxLevel)

        if RI(1, 100) < 50:
            R, G, B = 0, 0, 0
        Neo[RI(0, (numPixels-1))] = (R,G,B)

    elif Type == 'S':
        # Type S loop time ? ms

        if ResetState4:
            ResetState4 = False
            R = [0 for n in range(numPixels)]
            G = [0 for n in range(numPixels)]
            B = [0 for n in range(numPixels)]
            ON = [False for n in range(numPixels)]
            NN = [0 for n in range(numPixels)]
            for k in range(numPixels):
                Neo[k] = ((0, 0, 0))


    # motion processing
    now = ticks_ms()
    if True:
    # if now - mpu_ticks > 100:

        mpu_ticks = now

        thresh = 12_000
        cdelay = 200

        t = mpu.get_values()
        t = mpu.get_values()
        ax = t['AcX']
        ay = t['AcY']
        az = t['AcZ']

        if az < -thresh and Type != 'Z':           # on back
            Type = 'Z'
            ResetState1 = True
            ResetState2 = True
            ResetState3 = True
            ResetState4 = True
            print('Reset Initiated (Type Z)')

        if ay < -thresh and Type != 'B':          # bottom cable entry
            Type = 'B'
            ResetState2 = True
            print('State Change to Type B')

        elif ax > thresh and Type != 'R':          # right cable entry
            Type = 'R'
            ResetState3 = True
            print('State Change to Type R')

        elif ay > thresh and Type != 'S':          # top cable entry
            Type = 'S'
            ResetState4 = True
            print('State Change to Type S')

        elif ax < -thresh and Type != 'A':          # left cable entry
            Type = 'A'
            ResetState1 = True
            print('State Change to Type A')
    #print(ticks_ms() - ss)

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