Duck Off! A Duck Repellent Device

Updated 13 July 2023


We live on a rural property and have around 20 to 40 wild ducks around at any one time. We have a large dam and jetty, however it is almost unusable due to all the duck poo. So I decided to make a duck scarcer/repellent.  We are more than happy to have them all wandering around, BUT not shitting on the jetty.

It uses both a passive IR and a microwave presence sensor to detect ducks.  Once triggered it delivers and light and sound show for 10 seconds, if within that time period there is still activity, it changes into Blast mode and really ups the shock and awe for another 10 seconds. It then goes into recovery mode.

The noise is generated by a simple 2 transistor amplifier, fed from a PWM output and driving a 12V 5W horn speaker (because that is what I had lying around).  The Play routine takes a list of tuples and plays varying frequency and volume combinations that are customizable and hopefully scary to ducks. Their hearing range is similar to ours. The play routine also drives the strobe lights, which are hopefully also scary.



Enclosure - 3D Printed

  • Design files in FreeCAD format + 3D models in step format + 3mf Prusa format.
  • The back shell is a pretty straightforward PLA print.
  • The front shell is translucent PETG - pay particular attention to the first layer.  It is only one layer thick but also uses 150% flow, otherwise not as watertight.  I used the horn bracket to mount it as it already allows for angle adjustments.
  • My printer is a Prusa i3 and I use generic branded filaments.


  • LED matrix first, it sits firmly in the rebate.  Then attach with hot glue and cover back with electrical tape.  (make it thick, I blew up an MPU when a pin poked through to the solder pad on the LED PCB.)
  • Then on top of that, hot glue power supply, transistor circuit, and MPU.  I’ve left it at an angle so I can easily get a USB-C plugged in (shown)
  • The microwave sensor goes in the neck area and PIR at the head.  All hot glued in.  
  • Then just solder it up.

Assembly Photos


Duck Off has now been deployed out in the weather and on the jetty for 20 days of service.  An area of about 4 x 2 m directly in front of Duck Off is completely clear of poo.  ????

PIR sensitivity needed to be turned all the way down otherwise there were many false triggers.  Possibly wave action on the water due to wind, but I am unsure and couldn’t identify any other possible sources.

The photos below show the final assembly and waterproofing.  It is critical to seal around the PIR plastic lens, this is where most water ingress occurred.  I disconnected the lens from the PCB then silicone'd it onto the front shell and then reattached the PCB.

To do this whilst not getting too much silicon on the lens and to ensure a tight seal, I first smeared the inside edge of the cutout with a bead of silicon. I found that if you do it from the front side and scrap a screwdriver edge of silicon through the opening and it deposits and sticks as neatly as possible to the inside.  Then press the lens into position - watch orientation as the holes are not in a square pattern.  When set, press the PCB back into place which I additionally secure with hot glue.

The back has 4 holes, 3 for mounting to the horn speaker and one for the power and speaker cables.  Cover them with silicon and I also cover the cable exit on the back with silicon.

I’ve decided to join the two shells using silicon.  Apply a small bead all the way around on the inner edge of the clear piece, then just press on for a tidy join that doesn’t need much if any cleanup.

I was worried about ingress on the single-layer front, but it doesn’t appear to be a problem, so I’m not coating it with epoxy as previously thought. I have added (not shown) a 1mm bleed hole drilled into the bottom of the clear shell to assist with condensation clearing.


# Duck Off Thing
#   using RP2040 Pico, 8x8 LED matrix, PIR movement sensor, microwave presence 
#   sensor, DC to DC step down, simple 2 transistor speaker driver
# v1.01 8/5/23 first try using ultrasonic range finder and H-bridge to drive 
# v2.01 1/6/23 new enclosure, + PIR sensor, + mWave sensor.  ditched ultrasonic
# v2.02 15/6/23 using PlayLists for light and sound, added visual trigger count
# v2.03 16/6/23 new interrupt driven sensor poll, retriggerable recovery state

# Output to drive transistor pair for 12V 5W horn speaker (NOTE PWM inverted)
from machine import Pin, PWM, Timer
Phorn = PWM(Pin(8, Pin.OUT))
Phorn.duty_u16(2**16 - 1)       # this NEEDS to be done ASAP

# HC-SR501 PIR Motion Sensor, after (re)trig -> 2s high then 2s lockout
Ppir = Pin(11, Pin.IN)

# RCWL-0516 Microwave sensor, 1s high then appears to have a 5 sec lockout
Pmwave = Pin(10, Pin.IN)

# GlowBit 8x8 Matrix of LEDs
Pleds = Pin(13,Pin.OUT)

from time import sleep_ms, ticks_ms
from neopixel import NeoPixel as NP
from math import log10
import gc


numPixels = 64
LEDs = NP(Pleds, numPixels)
''' Pixel Map
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
BorderPix = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,15,23,31,39,47,55,63,62,61,60,59,58,57,56,48,40,
SnakePix =  [9,10,11,12,13,14,22,21,20,19,18,17,25,26,27,28,29,30,38,37,36,35,

def Fill(R, G, B):
    for i in range(numPixels):
        LEDs[i] = ((R,G,B))

def Border(R, G, B, Dur):  
    if Dur == 0:
        for i in BorderPix:
            LEDs[i] = ((R,G,B))
        for i in BorderPix:
            LEDs[i] = ((R,G,B))

def Strobe(R, G, B, Freq, Dur_ms):
    start = ticks_ms()
    delay = int(1 / Freq / 1000 / 2)  # 2 cycles, in ms
    while ticks_ms() < start + Dur_ms:


def Tone(Freq, Vol):
    # vol expected to be between 0 and 10
    # freq between 30 and 3000
    # higher freq, greater power required, hence AdjVol formula.  testing shows:
    # @ 10Hz   PWM between 10 and 100  log10(10)=1 log10(100)=2           [1 ~ 2]
    # @ 100Hz  PWM between 50 and 500  log10(50)=1.7 log10(500)=2.7       [2 ~ 3]
    # @ 1kHz   PWM between 400 and 9000   log10(400)=2.6 log10(9000)=3.9  [3 ~ 4] 
    if Vol == 0:
        Phorn.duty_u16(2**16 - 1)
        AdjFreq = int(min(max(Freq, 30), 3000))
        AdjVol = int( 10 ** (log10(AdjFreq) + log10(Vol)))
        Phorn.duty_u16(2**16 - AdjVol)

def Beep(Freq, Vol, Dur):
    Tone(Freq, Vol)
    Tone(Freq, 0)

def Play(I):
    Fstart, Fend, Vstart, Vend, R, G, B, StrobeFreq, Duration = I
    # Blocking Play routine, pass tuple with
    # Frequency start and end or same for no change (30 - 3000)
    # Volume start and end or same (0 - 10)
    # Frequency and Volume in either direction
    # R, G, B values for strobe fill (0 - 255)
    # Strobe frequency (< 50), dont expect accuracy
    # duration of play in ms (10 - 1000) 
    loopDelay = 10
    StrobeFlipCount = max(1, int(1000 / StrobeFreq / 2 / loopDelay))

    numCycles = Duration / loopDelay
    freqStep = (Fend - Fstart) / numCycles
    volStep = (Vend - Vstart) / numCycles

    F, V = Fstart, Vstart 
    count = 1
    flip = True

    while count <= numCycles:
        Tone(F, V)
        if flip:
            Fill(R, G, B)
        F += freqStep
        V += volStep
        count += 1
        if count % StrobeFlipCount == 0:
            flip = not flip



RampList = [(30, 30, 0, 2,       100, 100, 100,   20,      1000),
            (30, 50, 2, 5,       100, 100, 100,   20,      1000),
            (200, 100, 2, 4,     100, 0, 0,       30,      1000),
            (800, 300, 6, 2,     0, 100, 0,       10,       200),
            (100, 300, 2, 7,     0, 0, 100,       10,       200),
            (100, 300, 6, 2,     155, 155, 155,   50,       200),
            (1060, 60, 5, 7,     100,100,100,     5,        100)]

BlastList = [(3000, 2000, 10, 5,   255,255,255,    50,      400),  
            (1000, 3000, 10, 5,    255,255,255,   100,      600), 
            (30, 50, 10, 8,        255, 0, 0,      40,     1000),
            (1000, 1500, 10, 10,   0, 255, 0,      10,      600),
            (3000, 30, 10, 8,      0, 0, 255,       5,     1000),
            (100, 50, 1, 10,       255, 255, 255,  25,      500),
            (100, 50, 1, 10,       255, 255, 255,  15,      500),
            (100, 50, 1, 10,       255, 255, 255,  10,      500),
            (60, 3000, 5, 10,      255,0,0,        10,      100),
            (30, 3000, 10, 10,     255,255,255,    40,      200)]

#for i in RampList: Play(i)  
#for i in BlastList:  Play(i)  

# SENSOR reads
# no luck getting reliable interrupts working, so instead poll based on 
# 100ms interrupts to ensure a long Plays don't miss a sensor change

def cbTimer(timer1):
    global SensorDetect
    SensorDetect = Ppir.value() or Pmwave.value()

# We need to wait for the sensors (30-60s) so lets do a fancy count down

StartDelay = 60


for i in SnakePix:
    LEDs[i] = ((10,10,10))

CountDelay = int(StartDelay * 1000 / len(SnakePix))
for i in SnakePix:
    LEDs[i] = ((0,0,0))
    if not 50 <= i <= 54:
        sleep_ms(int(CountDelay-(28*20))) # adj for 28 pixels @ 20ms each 
    if i == 54:   
        Beep(200, 1, 100)
    if i == 53:
        Beep(400, 2, 100)
    if i == 52:
        Beep(800, 3, 100)
    if i == 51:
        Beep(1200, 4, 100)
    if i == 50:
        Beep(1500, 5, 100)
    if i == 49:


# START main state machine loop
# Init:   LED[0] = white   remain in this state until no sensor inputs 
# Armed:  LED[0] = green   waiting for a SensorDetect trigger
#                          in this mode, a LED between 1 and 63 will be blue
#                          to indicate how many triggers have occured since 
#                          last power cycle (up to 63)
# Ramp:   flashing matrix  Ramp up the noise, playing list of sounds & strobes
#                          monitor for retrigger and if so move to Blast 
#                          after tRamp time. if no retigger move to Recovery
# Blast   flashing matrix  Shock and awe hopefully, for period tBlast
# Recover LED[0] = red     stay in this state for at least tRevover AFTER last 
#                          DetectSensor event. solves problem of getting up 
#                          at 3am for a stuck sensor.  if recovery was 
#                          retriggered LED[7] = Red to indicate the problem

SensorDetect = False
timer1 = Timer(period=100, callback=cbTimer)    # start periodic sensor reads
sleep_ms(200)    # ensure first clean read prior to entering main state machine 

tRamp = 10      # ramp time (s), if playlist is too short (in time) repeat last
tBlast = 10     # Blast Time
tRevover = 60   # lockout recovery time

State = 'Init'
lState = ''

TrigCount = 1

while True:   
    if State != lState:
        lState = State

    if State == 'Init':
        LEDs[0] = ((10,10,10))
        if not SensorDetect:
            State = 'Armed'
    elif State == 'Armed':   
        LEDs[0] = ((0,10,0))
        LEDs[TrigCount] = ((0,0,20))

        if SensorDetect:
            State = 'Ramp'
            TrigCount = min(63, TrigCount + 1)
            RampCount = 0
            StateTime = ticks_ms()
            ReArmed = False
            BlastEnable = False

    elif State == 'Ramp':
        RampCount = min(len(RampList) - 1, RampCount + 1)

        if not SensorDetect: 
            ReArmed = True
        if ReArmed and SensorDetect: 
            BlastEnable = True

        if StateTime + (1000 * tRamp) < ticks_ms():  
            if BlastEnable or SensorDetect:
                State = 'Blast'
                BlastCount = 0
                StateTime = ticks_ms()
                StateTime = ticks_ms()
                State = 'Recover'

    elif State == 'Blast':

        BlastCount = min(len(BlastList) - 1, BlastCount + 1)

        if StateTime + (1000 * tBlast) < ticks_ms():
            StateTime = ticks_ms()
            State = 'Recover'

    elif State == 'Recover':
        LEDs[0] = ((20,0,0))
        if StateTime + (1000 * tRevover) < ticks_ms():
            State = 'Armed'
            LEDs[7] = ((0,0,0))
        if SensorDetect:                # reset timet if detect in wait period
            StateTime = ticks_ms()
            LEDs[7] = ((20,0,0))

    if State != 'Ramp' and State != 'Blast': sleep_ms(50)

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