This tutorial will show you how to update the software on your Rigol Oscilloscope. This will unlock the latest features as well as solve some bugs. What you will need.
- Rigol Digital OscilloScope (1054Z or 1104Z)
- USB thumb drive (any will do)
Getting the Latest version
The first step is to get the latest version of the firmware software from Rigol. Navigate to the series of scope you have in my case a 1000Z series. Once on this page, you can find the link with the firmware version number.
Your downloaded file will have a name like Extract the contained .gel file into the root of a blank thumb drive (FAT32 format).
Running the Update.
Safely remove the drive from your computer then power up your scope. Once the scope has powered up insert the drive into the USB port next to the power button. The scope will detect the .GEL file and display a message like the one below. The message may tell you that the version on the drive is newer if this is the case you can click on the button indicated to update. DO NOT REMOVE THE POWER UNTIL IT IS COMPLETE.
Once the bar has reached 100% and it says Update Finished you can choose the Cancel option. Now cycle the power on the scope and you are ready to go!
All done!
Now your oscilloscope should be up to date with the latest features and bug fixes. If you have any trouble or have a cool feature you want to share a post on the forum page below and let us know.