Hi, Steven here from Core Electronics! In this video I'm going to show you how to assemble the Move Mini by Kitronik. The Move Mini is a nice little robot and it's great for classrooms or learning to program where things move around, it uses the servos for motors and it's just a little bit of assembly so we've created this guide to make it easier on you.
So, the first step to assemble the Move Mini is to take the servo light board which is the brains of the Move Mini, this is what allows the servos to work and for the kit we're going to need a Microbit (Microbit doesn't come with the kit). We're going to attach the Microbit to the servo light board, be sure to insert the spacer between the Microbit and the servo light board. It's good practice to get every screw started before tightening any one down because if you tighten one down all the way first it may cause the board to see at an angle which will make it more difficult to put the rest of your screws in. Screws don't need to be very tight just snug; this board isn't going to be in the end under any sort of mechanical load, the screws are just to make the electrical the connection between the Microbit and the servo light board.
Now that that's connected we'll get our servos, and we'll take the parts out of the bags that come with the servos, there's going to be a bunch of lug plates we're going to use the circular one and there'll be some two long screws and two short screws with each one. Now I've already done the next step which is to take the circular lug plate that goes onto the top of the servo and screw it into the wheels using the long screws. You'll notice that the screw sticks out but behind beyond the lug a little bit that's normal, so once those are screwed on, we'll just press them in place onto the servo. We're not going to screw them on at this time because first we need to calibrate our servos, so the servos connect to this three pin connector on the back of the servo light board with the brown wire facing up, if the LED lights are up then the brown wire will face that side.
Then we'll open up MakeCode for Microbit and just to do a calibration of our servos. So, next we're going to open up MakeCode on our computer and with MakeCode open and our Microbit connected which we can still access the USB port at the top of the Microbit, we're going to go to advanced and pins and here we can find our servo pins, but first we're going to go to input get a button and a press block, go back to pins and then we're going to use a servo right and we're going to use two servo right blocks, one for each servo and the servos connected to P1 and P2, P0 on the server light board goes to the 5 LEDs so we're going to change the servo right pins to P1 and P0 and how a servo works is a continuous servo works is if you send 180 to it then it'll go full-speed one way, if you send 0 it'll go full-speed the other way. So, if you send 90 then it will stay still, so I'm just going to download this to the board, it looks like the transfers been to complete.
On the server light board, I've got to turn it on and then I'm going to press the button “A” to send that signal to the servo. So, see now one of our servos is spinning which means that the centre point needs to be calibrated. So, at the bottom of every servo there's a little screw next to the wires and taking your screwdriver we're just going to turn that so when the servos are commanded to be at zero, so not moving we're going to turn this screw slowly until the servo stops moving. So, now we our centre point calibrated and this will ensure that the bot moves in a straight line once it's going and doesn't just move to set aside or spin in circles when you tell it to be stopped.
So, we'll turn that back off and take the servos back out, we'll come back to those wheels later. The next step is to take this small piece and we're going to connect our servos together. Now most of the kits at this time have an additional page to explain this step since this part was added in later. So, when we mount the servos the drive shaft on the servo is going to be up away from the bottom plate. So, this this connector plate will go on the side that's closest to the drive shaft. So, we're just going to feed the wires through the hole and rest the servos side by side.
In our kit hardware we're going to use two short screws and two nuts. To fasten in this panel, so just drop the nut in place and put the screw through the hole on the servo and screw it in, once that's done we're going to pull the wires straight back toward the wider part in this bracket and we're going to take the bottom plate which looks like this and we're going to set the servos in place so there's a small notch for the servos and they'll snap down into position and hold in firmly. This side with the “Y” notch in it will be the front of the Bot and the side with the circle will be the back and we want this little panel to overhang toward the back.
The next step is to put our side panels in place or our structural side panels which are these two and a little word of advice, something that I found when putting this together is something that will make it easier for you is to take a little bit of tape and we’ll just take a look at which side these go on but I'll take a little tape and just put this put it on the inside over where the screw and the nut is going to go on these panels and we'll get to why we're doing that later. But we'll fit these panels in place with the notch facing the front and the circle toward the back and then we'll take this centre panel which will go over the servos, it has a curved side that'll go toward the back and we'll put it in place between these two panels and it'll just hold in place for now until we have some screws.
So, therefore we put the tape there, to make this a lot easier to assemble we need to now put in our nuts to attach these side panels. There we go got stuck to the tape we need to put these nuts in to attach the side panels and with that tape there we can drop the nut into the slot and it'll stay in position without needing to both hold the nut and hold that they bought together which is becomes kind of a three handed operation really fast. So, we're just going to screw this in, don't tighten it down very tight right now leave it loose but just tight enough to stay in position. We'll do the other side and again just tighten up the stains place leave it loose and then we can take these two pieces of tape off that we put in there and that’ll hold that nut in place.
Next, we're going to attach our two side wall panels, so this will be the green one and kind of the white decorative side panel that goes around the wheel. So starting on whichever side you like, put the green panel in place with the white one over the top of it and then starting with the back, slide our nut down into position and then feed one of the long screws through and thread it in. Something I found is that in order for this back bolt to sit flush into the panel we need to press in these structural inner panels so that the nut can kind of sit inside of them slightly, which is why we left them loose up until this step but we can tighten this one down a bit more and then we're going to do the same with the front panel.
Now if you'd like you can put some tape on the bottom side or on the top side of this bottom panel to hold the nut in place or you can use your finger, set the nut in position and feed these screws through. Now that we've finished this side, I'm going to tighten down the screw on the bottom and tighten down the two side screws, next we're going to repeat this on the other side. All right so I've put the other side on, next we're going to put the wheels in place and using the small screws that came in the servo bags, screw them in position. If you start spinning the servo then you tighten the screw enough you really don't want to manually turn these servos any more than you must because it can be bad for the gearing.
All right, so now that our wheels are on the buggy it's time to mount the Microbit and servo light in position. So if we take a look at the back we can see which wire goes to which side, we're going to take that wire and plug it into the same side on the back of the servo light board again with the brown wire facing up and then we're going to fit the wires to either side of the centre structure so next to the green panels and put the servo light board underneath the lip, on the top of the frame and then push the bottom into place then this last little front bumper piece just rests down in that front slot to keep the Microbit from kicking back out.
So, you notice now that we might have a bit of extra wire. We just tuck that in between the two spaces so it's out of the way and there we have it our Move Mini is complete. We can program it now by connecting it to MakeCode and one of the really nice things about the Move Mini is that you can control it with some custom extensions. So, if we go to extensions and then type in servo light with a colon, we'll get the Kitronik servo light plugin and this adds a new section of blocks like drive forward, drive backwards, turn left, turn right etc. These were made specifically to control the Move Mini and they're quite intuitive to use. There's also a calibrate turn speed and calibrate forward speed which are pretty essential for setting up how much it turns when you tell it to turn left and right because it may turn more than 90 degrees by default. But that's how that's how you set up the Move Mini for Kitronik, let's do just a quick little example sketch we’ll unplug the cord turn it on and there we have it! Thanks for watching!
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