How to Program a MicroBit using Thonny

Updated 19 July 2021

Let's get set up with scripting in Thonny for the Micro:bit. We'll install Thonny, configure for Micro:bit, and write our first script.

All you'll need to follow along is a Micro:bit v2 GO kit


Install Thonny

Download Thonny here and run the installer.

Once the installer finishes, run Thonny.

Set up Thonny

Connect your Micro:bit V2 to your computer with the USB cable.


Open Thonny, and in the menu bar find Run > Select interpreter and choose MicroPython (BBC micro:bit)

It's also a good idea to install or update firmware. This will update your micro:bit with the latest version of MicroPython, or install MicroPython if it wasn't already.


Make sure the Files pane and Plotter are visible by selecting them in View > Files, and View > Plotter.

REPL interface (Shell)

Click the red STOP button to restart the MicroPython on your micro:bit if necessary. The Shell tab should display a block of text that indicates MicroPython is running:


We can immediately start executing code in the REPL - Enter this code in the shell tab: print("Hello, World!")

The command will be sent to your micro:bit, which will execute the command and display back the message - nice!

Next, we can also take control of the on-board speaker by executing the following code:

from microbit import *
import audio

This code will play a happy tone from the micro:bit's speaker! If you the LED. If you keep executing, the tone will repeat.


Writing a Script

The REPL is great for test-driving some new commands and performing short experiments - the real power is in scripting though.

Create a new script with File > New and paste in the following code:

from microbit import *
import audio


multiple = 1 # initialise the counter

while True:
    if button_a.was_pressed(): # get the next multiple of the thirteen
        result = multiple * 13 # Calculate the result
        print("13 times " + str(multiple) + " is " + str(result)) # print the multiplication
        multiple = multiple + 1 # increment the multiple
    if button_b.was_pressed(): # Say Hello
    sleep(10) # a 10 millisecond delay

Save the script - you will be prompted to save to your computer OR the micro:bit. Select save to micro:bit and name the file

Return to the REPL and press Ctrl+D to restart your micro:bit. If something went wrong, use the Stop/Restart button, then Ctrl+D. 

Now, when we press the A button, the Shell will print the next multiple of 13, or if we press the B-button, our micro:bit gives us a smile and a hello sound.


Notice the plot is also showing some lines, and they're colour-coded to numbers in the print statement! In my case:

  • The Blue line is the constant 13,
  • The Orange Line is the multiple variable that increases slowly, and
  • The Red line is the result variable, which increases really quickly.

Useful Tips

  • You can stop a running script by selecting the Shell window and pressing Ctrl+C. This is useful if we want to make changes to the file(s) stored on the micro:bit.
  • Reboot your micro:bit (or other MicroPython device) by selecting the Shell window and pressing Ctrl+D
  • If something goes wrong, you can always click the red STOP button in the menu bar

Uploading and Downloading Files

We've been working with a file stored directly on the micro:bit - if you'd like to keep a copy on your computer, right-click the file and select the 'download' option. Similarly, you can always upload code to your micro:bit by right-clicking files on your computer and selecting the upload button.



We've installed Thonny and uploaded our first script to our micro:bit. The script includes branches depending on which button is pressed and can generate audio tones and perform basic arithmetic. Now we can write scripts, move them between micro:bit and computer, or test code interactively using the REPL.

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