GlowBit™ rainbow Quickstart Guide for micro:bit

Updated 07 November 2022

Let's do some creative projects to get familiar with the GlowBit rainbow and micro:bit. The animation runs for 10 seconds, and can be started by pressing either of the micro:bit's buttons

In this guide we will:

  • Wire a rainbow to a micro:bit,
  • Upload an example program to make sure everything works, and
  • Create several interesting projects from scratch!

To follow along, you'll need:

  • 1x micro:bit with USB cable - the micro:bit GO kit is a great way to get started.
  • 1x GlowBit rainbow
  • 3x Alligator test leads. I'll be using Red, Black and Yellow. If you already have some Banana leads, those will work too.
  • A battery pack for your micro:bit will allow you to drive your rainbow to maximum brightness. If you don't have a battery pack, that's ok too. If your rainbow flickers, that could be an indicator you're drawing too much power for the micro:bit to output. Try your experiment again at lower brightness.

Let's get started!


Getting Started


Wire a rainbow to a micro:bit

It's best to unpower your micro:bit when wiring - make sure the USB lead or any batteries are disconnected for this bit.

  1. Use the Black alligator clips to connect GND on the micro:bit to GND on the rainbow
  2. Use the Red alligator clips to connect 3V on the micro:bit to 3V on the rainbow
  3. Use the Yellow alligator clips to connect 0 on the micro:bit to Data on the rainbow


Wiring diagram for connecting a micro:bit to a GlowBit rainbow

Upload a Code Example

Time to make sure everything works, we'll upload a test pattern to the micro:bit.

  1. Open this test program
  2. Click the Download button
  3. Connect your micro:bit to your computer with a USB cable
  4. copy the program onto your micro:bit

Once the program is uploaded, your rainbow should look like... a rainbow!


If you're having trouble with this step, take a picture of your setup and open a thread in our forums - we're full-time maker's and are here to help!

Project 1: Tilt-o-meter (makecode)

Let's code a project that measures the tilt-angle of the micro:bit, and displays it on the rainbow by lighting up a corresponding LED. Since we're already wired up, all we need to do is reprogram the micro:bit. If you really want to skip ahead, the code for this project is linked here, but I've always found doing code-alongs to be more fruitful.

Step 1 - Setup & Measure

Create a new project. First, on start we'll initialise the rainbow as a strip of 13 NeoPixels. Then, in forever we'll begin by clearing the strip, and measure the micro:bit's roll angle - store that in a variable called roll.


Step 2 - Map

Next, we will convert the roll-angle into an index for which LED to illuminate. Roll is zero when the micro:bit is level. As the micro:bit tilts left or right, the roll angle is negative or positive. A quarter turn in either direction is 90 degrees, so we can map the range -90 to 90 degrees into an LED number (0 to 12). We'll store the result in a variable called gauge. Map will return floating point numbers, but we need the gauge variable to be a whole number - set gauge to the rounded value of itself.


Step 3 - Dazzle

Finally, all that's left is to send the data with the NeoPixel: set pixel color command and show the data. Since we clear the rainbow at the top of the forever loop, this code will only ever illuminate one LED at a time.


That's all there is to it! Upload the new code to your micro:bit and experiment with rolling the microbit.

Step 4 - Remix

There's a few interesting observations we can make! What happens if we...

  • Fix the rainbow to a table and roll the micro:bit?
  • Roll the rainbow with the micro:bit?
  • Flip the rainbow around and then roll the rainbow with the micro:bit?

Project 2: Marquee Display

Marquee lights are fancy, eye-catching lighting displays used by cinemas, theatres and shops. We're going to program our rainbow with an animated marquee pattern - lighting every third LED and giving the illusion of movement.

We'll program in micropython for this project, head over to to get started. Code along with this project video - if you get stuck, you can copy the working code below.

# Create a marquee light animation using simple math tricks

from microbit import *
import neopixel

# Setup the Rainbow as a Neopixel strip on pin0 with a length of 13
rainbow = neopixel.NeoPixel(pin0, 13)

violet = (60, 33, 60)

counter = 0

while True:
    for i in range(13):
        if (i - counter) % 3 == 0: # true for every third LED
            rainbow[i] = violet
    counter = counter + 1

Project 3: Mood Lamp

Create a moody-display that's different every time - use random numbers to generate a new unique colour

We'll program in micropython for this project, head over to to get started. Code along with this project video - if you get stuck, you can copy the working code below.

# Make a mood lamp with the GlowBit Rainbow
# Press either button to step through random colours

from microbit import *
import neopixel
from random import randint

# Setup the Rainbow as a Neopixel strip on pin0 with a length of 13
rainbow = neopixel.NeoPixel(pin0, 13)

while True:
    if button_a.was_pressed() or button_b.was_pressed():
        red = randint(0, 60)
        green = randint(0, 60)
        blue = randint(0, 60)
        for i in range(13):
            # Assign the current LED a random red, green and blue value between 0 and 60
            rainbow[i] = (red, green, blue)

        # Display the current pixel data on the Neopixel strip

Project 4: Skill Game

Put your reaction time to the test with this skill-game - press the button only when the middle LED is lit to increase your score.

We'll program in micropython for this project, head over to to get started. Code along with this project video - if you get stuck, you can copy the working code below.

# Press button B when the middle LED is lit
# the game gets harder the more points you score

from microbit import *
import neopixel
from random import randint

# Setup the Rainbow as a Neopixel strip on pin0 with a length of 13
rainbow = neopixel.NeoPixel(pin0, 13)

# game variables
active = 0  # which LED is active
direction = 1 # the direction to move
score = 0 # current score

# game colour changes every game
red = randint(0, 60)
green = randint(0, 60)
blue = randint(0, 60)

while True:
    # Update the game display
    rainbow[active] = (red, green, blue)
    sleep(400 - score)
    if button_b.was_pressed():
        if active == 6:  # LED 6 is the middle LED
            score = score + 25  # increment the score
            # LOSE
            print("Scored {} points".format(score))
    # Update the game state - move the LED and bounce off the ends
    active = active + direction
    if active >= 12:
        direction = -1
    elif active <= 0:
        direction = 1

Project 5: Pair of Dice

Create a pair of virtual dice to add some colour to your games-night.

We'll program in micropython for this project, head over to to get started. Code along with this project video - if you get stuck, you can copy the working code below.

# Make a set of electronic dice
# Create two independent, six-sided dice

from microbit import *
import neopixel
from random import randint

# Setup the Rainbow as a Neopixel strip on pin0 with a length of 13
rainbow = neopixel.NeoPixel(pin0, 13)

orange = (51, 33, 0)
fuchsia = (51, 0, 51)

while True:
    if button_a.was_pressed(): # roll the left die
        value = randint(0, 5)
        for i in range (0, 6):
            if i <= value:
                rainbow[i] = orange
                rainbow[i] = (0,0,0)
    if button_b.was_pressed(): # roll the right die
        value = randint(7, 12)
        for i in range (7, 13):
            if i >= value:
                rainbow[i] = fuchsia
                rainbow[i] = (0,0,0)

Project 6: Electronic Compass

Get your bearings with an electronic compass! We'll read the heading from the micro:bit's magnetometer and use our rainbow to indicate the direction of magnetic North.

We'll program in micropython for this project, head over to to get started. Code along with this project video - if you get stuck, you can copy the working code below.

# Make an electronic compass using the micro:bits magnetometer and a GlowBit Rainbow

from microbit import *
import neopixel
from random import randint

# Setup the Rainbow as a Neopixel strip on pin0 with a length of 13
rainbow = neopixel.NeoPixel(pin0, 13)

# A function to convert from one range of numbers to another
# Useful to convert FROM 0-360degrees TO LED no. 0-12
def convert(x, i_m, i_M, o_m, o_M):
    return max(min(o_M, (x - i_m) * (o_M - o_m) // (i_M - i_m)), o_m)

while True:
    # convert 0-360 degrees to -180 to 180 degrees
    heading = compass.heading()
    if heading > 180 and heading <= 360:
        heading = heading - 360
    # convert (-90 to 90) degrees to LED number (0 to 12)
    index = convert(heading,90,-90,0,12)
    print(str(heading) + " " + str(index))
    index = round(index) # round to nearest whole number
    rainbow[index] = (30,0,0)

Project 7: Comet Tail: Multi-Rainbow Project

Did you know you can connect multiple rainbows together to create a longer strip of GlowBits? In this project we wire two rainbows together and create an animation that moves across them

We'll program in micropython for this project, head over to to get started. Code along with this project video - if you get stuck, you can copy the working code below.

# A bright comet flies across two rainbows
from microbit import *
import neopixel

# Set up the rainbows (2x rainbows = 26 LEDs)
numLeds = 26
rainbow = neopixel.NeoPixel(pin0, numLeds)

headBrightness = 60
frame = 0

while True:
    val = headBrightness
    for i in range(0, numLeds):
        rainbow[ (i frame) % numLeds ] = (val, 0, 0)
        val = round(val * 0.75) # the next LED is dimmer
        if val <= 1: # 'clip' low values
            val = 0
    frame = frame - 1

You may have to clip the lower brightness to zero. In the video we check

val = round(val * 0.75)
if val == 1:
    val = 0

but a more robust check would be this, which is provided in the full example above

val = round(val * 0.75)
if val <= 1:
    val = 0

Animation Remix: Animate a Colourful Rainbow

This code remix uses ideas we've already explored in this tutorial (colour-wheel, animation) and brings them together to create a beautiful, multicoloured rainbow.

# Animate a beautiful, multicoloured rainbow
# Press the A or B button to begin!

from microbit import *
import neopixel
from utime import ticks_diff, ticks_ms

# Python colour wheel - returns R,G,B values based on an input from 0-255
def wheel(pos):
    # The colours transition through r - g - b - back to r.
    if pos < 0 or pos > 255:
        return (0, 0, 0)
    if pos < 85:
        return (255 - pos * 3, pos * 3, 0)
    if pos < 170:
        pos -= 85
        return (0, 255 - pos * 3, pos * 3)
    pos -= 170
    return (pos * 3, 0, 255 - pos * 3)

# Set brightness based on a value from 0 to 100
def adjust_rainbow_brightness(brightness):
    if brightness > 100: brightness = 100
    if brightness < 0: brightness = 0

    brightness = brightness / 100
    for i in range(13):
        (r,g,b) = rainbow[i]
        r = int(r * brightness)
        g = int(g * brightness)
        b = int(b * brightness)
        rainbow[i] = (r,g,b)

# Clear the rainbow (turn off each LED)
def clear_rainbow():
    for i in range(13):
        rainbow[i] = (0,0,0)
# Setup the Rainbow as a Neopixel strip on pin0 with a length of 13
num_LEDs = 13
rainbow = neopixel.NeoPixel(pin0, num_LEDs)

frame = 0 # used to drive the animation.

# and now for our main loop
while True:

    # wait for a/b button press
    if button_a.was_pressed() or button_b.was_pressed():
        # Get the animation start-time
        start_time = ticks_ms()

        # Show a rotating rainbow and stop after 10 seconds
        while ticks_diff(ticks_ms(), start_time) < 10000:
            for i in range(13):                         # for each LED
                hue = int(frame + (i * 255 / num_LEDs)) # get a unique hue for this LED. i is the LED number, and frame changes the colour over time
                if hue > 255: hue = hue-255             # Wrap hue back to zero if it goes above 255
                rainbow[i] = wheel(hue)                 # convert hue to RGB and apply to this LED
            adjust_rainbow_brightness(20) # scale the brightness. Default is *really* bright
            frame += 1 # increment the animation by one "frame". Larger steps make for a faster scrolling pattern

        # rainbow complete! clear the LEDs and wait for another button press

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