LittleBits Community & the Workshop Set

Updated 16 February 2017

LittleBits have launched a global network of organizations to share and spread the word of littleBits. It's all to put the power of electronics in the hands of everyone. The 'chapters' are simply locations such as maker spaces and libraries, all around the world, that sign up to join the littleBits network. Anyone over the age of 18 can sign up to lead a littleBits chapter, it's a great way to give back to the community and bring together like minded people that enjoy having fun while learning! When you sign up, you will receive a call from littleBits who will ask you a few questions about who you are and why you want to join the program. From there it's all fun and games, providing you have a Workshop Set, where you can host all sorts of littleBits events. If you don’t have a kit but are willing to run a littleBits chapter, there are discount opportunities for you! It's an interesting concept if you'd be willing to explore it get started here.

As of May 2016, littleBits extended their global Chapters program to incorporate schools. This gave educators the ability to sign their classes up to join the school chapters program. As with global chapters, educators receive all the help they need to get enough bits and pieces for their classroom chapter. LittleBits will set your chapter a monthly challenge, to encourage your students to utilize the invention cycle to solve a real-world challenge! Part of this process includes documenting the learning journey with the students, uploading them to your Chapter's homepage as inventions. Educators will gain access to fantastic networking and communication opportunities with other educators all over the world, enabling them to explore all the diverse ways people are incorporating littleBits in the classroom. Sounds pretty awesome to us, I'm sure the educators out there feel the same!

littlebits-workshop-set-openedTo assist in getting schools around Australia onboard with local Chapters, we are going to show off one of our fantastic kits for the classroom. The Workshop Set. This kit comes with a big, solid purple toolbox packed with 100 littleBits modules and 40 accessories. A perfect set if your class size is 10-20 students.

Some more detail about the contents of the pack:

10 of each of these:

  • Bar graphs
  • Branch modules
  • Bright LEDs
  • Buttons
  • DC motors
  • Dimmers
  • Mounting boards
  • Power modules
  • Batteries & cables
  • Pulses
  • Servos
  • Wires

No littleBits kit is complete without a comprehensive, illustrated guide for the user, and the Workshop Set delivers. The Workshop Guide (included in kit or download here) runs the leader of the chapter, class or family through which workshops are appropriate for different groups and experience levels. The format of each workshop is then explained linked thoroughly to all the supporting content.

If you are interested in starting a local Chapter, joining a local chapter or even just curious on what goes on at the chapters; take a look around the littleBits Community. If you are looking for a workshop set for your chapter get in touch with us and we can help you out!

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